2022年,市商务局将在市委、市政府的正确领导下,以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深入学习贯彻习总书记精神习近平访问福建和党的二十大精神,坚持稳中求进的方针。 工作总基调和“3820”战略工程的实质,聚焦提高效率、提高效率、增加效益。 统筹经济社会发展,切实落实强省会、建设现代化国际城市等重大战略,聚焦“六城五品牌”,深入开展“工程实施年”、“ “千名干部进千家企业”、“万名干部下基层”等专项行动,强化使命责任,实现外部循环持续畅通,经营产业不断升级,持续造福企业和人民,思想建设永不放松,推动各项业务工作取得新进展、新成效。
2022年,全市第三产业实现增加值6967.95亿元,同比增长4%(其中,有限批发业销售额12402.4亿元,同比增长4%)增长17.4%),高于全国1.7个百分点,占全市生产总值的56.6%,创历史新高。 创历史新高,对全市GDP贡献率达52.3%; 出口2564.6亿元,同比增长16.6%,分别高于全国和全省6.1和4.3个百分点。 实际利用外资11.04亿美元,位居全省第二,普普科技、纵腾网络等12个亿元以上大项目累计到位资金8.74亿美元,质量资金状况得到很大改善; 社会零花钱总额达到4679.5亿元,增长2.9%,高出全国平均水平3.1个百分点,占全国平均水平。 全省总量为22.2%。
一、供应链和平台经济取得新成果。 成功入选国家供应链创新应用示范城市,彩石鲜、万全速配成功入选国家供应链创新应用示范企业; 2022年,全市供应链企业达到294家(新增123家),销售总额超5000亿元,同比增长58.68%,远超年度目标任务; 跟踪推进平台经济(企业)项目353个,实现销售额3836.3亿元,同比增长41%,实现一年突破千亿级大关的目标。
2.展会引进取得新进展。 2022年,我市将引进第十七届中国会展经济国际合作论坛、金砖国家可持续发展高峰论坛、首届文旅中国元界生态大会等国际国内会展项目12个,比2021年增加4个同比增长50%,进一步提升我市会展水平,助力打造东南部会展高地。 福州市成功入选“2021年中国最具竞争力会展城市(省会城市)”,并已连续两年获此称号。
三、对外贸易实现新发展。 一是跨境电商规模不断扩大。 2022年,全市跨境电商进出口807亿元,同比增长56%,规模居全省**。 其中,地方口岸跨境电商进出口销售额95.73亿元,同比增长63.93%; 电子商务出口交易额57亿元,同比增长90%。 二是海外市场不断拓展。 2022年,荣成海关将累计签发3880份RCEP原产地证书,约1.78亿美元出口货物在国外享受优惠关税。 三是中外班列顺利开通。 首条中欧班列、中老班列相继开通,打通了我市沿海及周边地区通往欧洲、东南亚的陆路快运通道,进一步降低了外贸企业综合物流成本。 四是外贸指标保持稳定、提高质量。 采取非常规举措促进全市外贸稳中提质。 6月和11月,全市外贸出口分别达到497.4亿元和306.5亿元,分别增长155.2%和44%。 我省****,为我省经济增速超过全国做出了重大贡献。
4.运用口岸通关新技术。 长乐国际机场APEC商旅卡专用通道正式开通,涉外营商环境进一步优化; 配合港口集团扩大新技术应用范围,富港集装箱江阴港区全新CITOS7生产系统顺利完成系统功能和数据验证,实现无缝切换,正式上线。 2022年12月,福州关区进口通关时间为17.98小时,较2017年减少83.91%; 出口通关时间0.62小时,较2017年减少94.64%,实现“五连降”。
五、对外合作迈上新台阶。 2022年,全市对外劳务合作企业向境外派遣劳务人员17276人。 截至12月底,劳动力人数29583人,劳动力实际收入总额37619.92万美元。 近年来,该市劳务派遣规模首次居全省**、全国省会城市**。
六、改善扩大消费新举措。 “汇聚融城”系列促消费活动2000余场,政府、银行、企业发放各类消费券超10.7亿元(其中政府发放消费券超1.4亿元)。 开展“网上年货购物节”等活动,鼓励企业开展直播等多种形式的新消费促进模式。 2022年,共开展直播44.6万场次,同比增长31.6%; 吸引消费者观看35.36亿人次,同比增长25.9%; 使福州产品销往全省、全国。
七、消费中心城市培育新热点。 《福州市培育建设国际消费中心城市实施方案》印发,提出打造“一纵一横带”国际消费集聚区和建设区域性国际消费中心城市的目标具有一定全球影响力、竞争力和美誉度的消费中心城市。 开展《福州培育建设国际消费中心城市业态提升总体规划及重点区域实施方案》国际竞赛,规划以“闽江之心”为代表的“1+9”重点区域消费业态升级核心。 “闽江之心”核心区的烟台山商圈、滨江步行街、府文化区等成为新的热门购物点。
八、物流业形成新集群。 继续开展福州现代物流城招商工作。 全年实施项目10个,总投资58.88亿元。 连锁物流、预制蔬菜、跨境电商项目。 物流城集聚效应开始显现,发起设立“福州新希望合作股权投资基金”,推动福州冷链物流和预制蔬菜产业发展; 中国物流集团、中国供销集团、中国邮政集团等央企对物流城进行考察调研,预计近期项目落地。
9、“两国两园”成为新平台。 推动国务院批准设立中印尼经贸创新发展示范园区,完成园区产业合作规划编制并通过专家评审。 重点加强中国园区项目支持,对接推动保尔健康食品产业园等27个重点产业链项目,总投资332亿元,进一步完善园区平台载体功能,促进产业项目资源积累。
10、积累防疫工作新经验。 疫情期间,我们有效推动商业领域疫情防控、保供等各项工作落实,有效覆盖抗击疫情的民生底线。 一是确保供应充足。 制定多场景保供应急预案,推出重点保供企业“一图保供”信息平台,针对风险地区推出多种保供生活包,满足市民生活和生活的多种需求。确保民生物资充足。 二是畅通流通渠道。 探索建立配送人员闭环管理科学模式,在风险区域设置多个接驳点,实行全周期闭环管理和无接触配送,对一线员工实行“白名单”制度供应企业打通“最后百家”物资配送。 三是开展督导监测。10月至11月疫情期间,共出动检查人员880人次,抽查相关点位3100余个,发现问题268个。重点超市、农贸市场、当地电商不会断货,继续备案。
1.全面实施招商引资。 一是加强政策规划和出台。 出台并积极解读宣传《福州市持续推进稳外资若干措施》,促进外资企业稳定经营,加快资本收购,支持新开放和高新技术领域招商引资,加大对我市外资的吸引力。 二是加大招商引资力度。 重点布局全市16条重点产业链,发挥多元化招商平台作用,丰富外资项目储备。 第22届投洽会,我市签订外资合同19.2亿美元,超过2021年水平。三是加强重点项目推介。 以大项目为核心,推进亿元以上大型外资项目12个。 加强投资手续指导代理服务,加快投资进程,支持培育普普科技、纵腾集团、天庆数码、万华化学等行业龙头外资企业持续投资、增资扩产。 四是帮助企业解决困难。 支持天庆数码、冠捷科技等16家企业申报省级外资激励资金3698.8万元,支持普普科技等3家企业使用市级外资激励资金合计1156.86万元; 同时,密切跟踪疫情下外资企业投资和经营变化,加强分析研判,及时了解企业疑难问题,帮助外资企业稳定发展。
2、全力扭转外贸形势。 一是出台外贸政策。 《2022年促进外贸平稳发展若干措施》印发,重点从稳市场主体保订单、全力培育新增长点、助力开拓多元化市场、提升外贸管理水平等五个方面予以支持,强化正向激励。 二是加强监测预警。 建立重点监控企业数据库,利用政企互动平台实现企业每月动态直报,及时掌握企业经营情况,协调解决疑难问题; 对企业订单、物流等各方面进行问卷调查,参与调查的企业达1400余家,为全市外贸形势预测分析提供了有力支撑。 三是强化信用担保支持。 适度放宽企业承保条件,全力支持小微出口企业短期保费通过“单一窗口”投保出口信用保险。 全年共支持地方小微企业1358家。 四是扩大融资对接。 积极争取出口银行70亿元抗疫专项贷款额度,摸清龙头外贸企业融资需求; 向省商务厅报告43家重点外贸企业融资需求合计22.826亿元; 宣传推广“外贸贷”,2022年共有29家子企业获得贷款1.9亿元。 五是培育新兴业态。 协助市乡村振兴小组推进以五里亭茶叶市场为载体申报市场采购贸易方式试点; 以友拓、金钻集团为试点主体,正式采用易货贸易模式,成为继跨境电商、市场采购新模式后我市稳外贸的又一有力抓手; 通过“跨海园区”工程,一园一总部模式,引导爱国者、金钻、康邦、海山兄弟等项目实现省外数据回流; 对接金风科技、AI乌尔姆等项目,鼓励企业在我市开展总部贸易业务。
3.大力发展跨境电子商务。 一是成功举办2022年春季跨交会。 本届跨境电商交易会吸引了50家跨境电商主流平台、60个国家特色外贸产业带、200家知名跨境电商服务商、2000家优质外贸供应商参展,展示超过100万个跨境电商热销品类; 展会期间举办近30场高端论坛、会议等活动,专业客商到会5.5万人次,意向交易金额超30亿美元,带动酒店、餐饮等相关服务业消费50亿元; 中央电视台、人民日报、新华社等近200家主流媒体进行了报道,极大提升了我市在跨境电商行业的影响力。 二是推动产业园区迭代升级。 选址晋安数字内容产业园建设跨境电商产业园一期,打造集平台、支付、配送、服务等功能于一体的综合性产业园; 海思跨境新零售产业园国内运营中心成立海狮数字智能中心,海外园区已在菲律宾、印尼、西班牙、尼日利亚等亚非欧7个国家成功运营。 三是培育和引进行业龙头企业。 协调推进纵腾集团总部用地及数据归还项目,促成凡鼎集团中国总部、定陵产业园两个项目成功签约,投资10亿元; 加强与亚马逊、eBay、OTTO等国际平台的联系和深化合作,利用平台资源培育和发展更多的跨境电商卖家。 四是继续发展大荣台跨境电商业务。 支持江阴港开通第二条荣泰航线,依托两条对台航线,吸引更多两岸(或经台湾)跨境电商货物从福州中转,打造特色福州对台综合试验区五是鼓励和加快海外仓建设。 据不完全统计,以纵腾网络为代表的我市企业已在六大洲27个国家建立了110多个海外仓,面积超过120万平方米,其中沿线国家海外仓数量“一带一路”已增至16个。 六是设立跨境贸易专项补偿资金池。 按照“政府引导、市场运作、风险共担”的原则,设立初始规模8000万元的专项补偿资金池福州招商外包,引导合作金融机构加大对跨境贸易企业的授信力度,积极加大信贷投放,力争从根本上缓解跨境贸易便利化。 解决跨境贸易企业融资难、融资贵问题,打造政策“虹吸效应”,精准帮助跨境贸易中小企业纾困。
四、不断发展对外投资合作。 2022年,全市企业新增境外投资项目(含增资)44个,合同投资总额5.85亿美元,其中中方投资5.77亿美元。 一是拓展对外投资合作市场。 帮助胜利等22家企业获得省级对外投资合作专项资金补贴1383.9万元; 帮助我市台马等13家外商投资企业便利办理人员出境护照90余人次; 1万美元赴沙特开发陶瓷项目,福耀玻璃向德国汽车饰件项目增资6327万美元。 二是建设境外经贸合作园区。 支持洪动、春申等企业做大做强海外园区,提升当地市场影响力; 支持华尼工业尼日利亚有限公司进一步增强海外项目实力,形成产业集聚效应,推进海外园区建设。
5.持续优化通关环境。 一是宣传福州口岸“提前申报”、“两步申报”等申报模式,鼓励引导进口企业用好政策; 与海关、海事、口岸发展中心、口岸集团合作,共同提升我市本级跨境贸易便利化水平。 二是牵头相关口岸单位进行年度收费公示,形成2022年版《福州口岸进出口收费目录》并向社会公布; 到江阴港区会同有关部门查询收费情况,发现没有清单外的收费。 三是大力推进口岸开放,打通外贸口岸通道。 闽江口内港区军用航空站已通过省级验收并已对外开放。 经国务院批准扩大开放。
一、多措并举促进消费升级。 一是创建第二批15小时便利生活圈试点。 在2021年试点建设的基础上,结合完整街区建设和精品社区创建,全市将建设22个一刻钟便捷生活圈试点社区,建设基本保障网点1829个。质量提升已经建立。 共有商业网点1902个,从业人员2.19万人,服务社区居民30.61万人。 二是2022年开展“公共茶馆”试点建设。开展第二批“公共茶馆”试点建设,已有32家企业通过验收; 开展“惠裕裕廊·分享茶香——我最喜欢的公共茶馆评选活动”,把“大众茶馆”打造成为宣传、推介祖国的场所。 是弘扬我市茉莉花茶文化、优化改善茶叶等农产品供给、释放大众消费需求的重要窗口。 三是加快数智云业务平台建设。 推动“数智云商贸平台”项目列入数字福州项目清单,组织项目专家评审,委托可行性研究公司编制项目可行性研究报告,推动我市重点商务区数字化升级,为消费者打造一站式、便捷服务、高效的消费体验场景,激发消费活力。
2、引领电子商务、直播、服务外包等产业发展。 2022年,全市累计网络零售额1054.3亿元,同比增长3.4%; 服务外包执行额26.7亿美元,其中离岸服务外包3.9亿美元。 新增服务外包企业50家。 一是支持电子商务和服务外包产业园区建设。 支持县(市)区建设电子商务和服务外包产业园区,鼓励有条件的镇(街道)、村庄改建或建设电子商务大厦。 目前,京东与中祥控股正在台江区建设京东生态数字贸易产业中心。 入驻企业16家,实现销售额12亿元。 腾讯在晋安区建设福州数字内容产业园,已入驻企业28家,其中电商企业6家。 二是政策护航电子商务和服务外包企业做强做大。 对照先进城市相关政策,研究修改并积极走访宣传福州市相关扶持政策,引导现有电子商务和服务外包企业继续加快发展,努力引进电子商务和服务外包企业。服务外包企业在福州设立企业总部和地区总部。
3.推进物流枢纽建设。 一是打造福州商贸服务型国家物流枢纽。 制定《福州商贸服务型国家物流枢纽建设推进工作方案》,并按月落实进度。 积极协调轮毂轴承项目建设。 民天国际商贸物流中心项目已完成一期工程总土方量的90%; 水果交易市场主体工程已启动桩基施工; 福建创宏肉贸冷链物流中心项目正在进行土方工程; 福建永辉物流仓储中心(二期)8号楼主体结构已竣工。 二是申报福州港口型国家物流枢纽。 牵头制定建设规划,选定“江阴港区富港综合物流园(一期)+铁路物流园南片区+富港综合物流园(二期)”作为港口型枢纽的空间范围,面积3.53平方公里; 《福州港口型国家物流枢纽建设方案》已由发改系统报送国家发展改革委。 三是跟踪推进物流城在建项目。 积极协调物流城建设指挥部团队,加快在建项目进度。 福建海峡汽车及冷链物流产业园建成投产; 红利星快速工程一期已竣工,二期主体工程结构已封顶; 正祥物流园项目投资中心主体已封顶,六大物流中心及配套办公楼主体建设正在进行。 四是物流市场主体不断壮大。 新认定A级物流企业11家,总数达到79家; 星级冷链物流企业2家,省内新型龙头物流企业2家,龙头培育企业4家。
四、会展业稳定发展。 受疫情影响,我市会展受到较大影响,但数博会、跨交会、海创会等重要展会顺利举办。 其中,数博会展览规模约2万平方米,线上线下展商超过500家,132家国内外优质展商悉数亮相线下特装,同步打造“数字博览”专业线上展会。 “云数博”平台上发放了云上数字博客专用消费券。 现场专业采购商11,535人次参观采购,现场观众人数超过16万人次。 效果有了很大的提高。 成功举办第十七届中国会展经济国际合作论坛、金砖国家可持续发展论坛等一批高端会议,扩大福州会展的国际影响力。 2022全球农产品供应链峰会、首届文旅中国元宇宙生态大会、中国国际酒博会等***会展项目的引进和举办,丰富了福州会展项目的类别。
1、稳定的供货保障。 一是稳步推进民营实事项目。 承担市委、市政府2022年民营实事项目之一“储备生猪10.8万头”,已全面完成。 二是抓好市级副食品生产直控建设。 市级副食品基地年度生产任务已下达,蔬菜基地场外市场低温处理设施建设已部署。 目前,已投放鸡蛋约4400万公斤、肉禽32万头、羊1460头。 叶类蔬菜短期生产任务已完成,建设已完成。 3低温制冷设施。 三是牵头做好“菜篮子”工程项目指挥部工作。 制定“菜篮子”工程指挥部2022年工作计划,选定5项指标作为2022年指挥部工作考核指标,年度考核指标均超额超额完成。 四是打造“菜篮子”新思想学习教育实践基地。 在琅岐镇建设“菜篮子”学习教育实践基地,让游客感受习近平总书记的爱民之情和改革思想。 At present, the main structure has been completed, and the curator is adjusting the design plan according to the instructions of the city leaders.
2. Optimize approval efficiency. In 2022, a total of 453 administrative examination and approval items were handled, including: 208 free import and export technology contract registrations and changes, 69 refined oil retail business qualification approvals (including changes), 61 overseas investment filings, and auction business licenses (including changes) 34 cases, 9 cases of foreign labor service cooperation, 4 cases of single-purpose commercial prepaid card filing (large-scale card issuer), 1 case of refined oil retail planning confirmation, 2 cases of recycling and dismantling of scrapped motor vehicles, automatic import registration of general mechanical and electrical products 1 item. Received 4060 consultations of various types, and the completion rate within the original time limit, the completion rate within the promised time limit, and the satisfaction rate were all 100%. The first is to adjust the 12 projects handled by our bureau in the Municipal Administrative Service Center to immediate processing, continuously improve the efficiency of approval, shorten the time limit for processing, and reduce the time ratio of all types of items by 94.64%, and the actual processing time of administrative approval business is 0.13 days , ranking second in the city. The second is to adjust all the matters of our bureau's entry into the municipal administrative service center to the whole process of online office without leaving. The online application rate of approval business has increased to 95.29%, and the utilization rate of express delivery has been 100%. The third is to continuously standardize and strengthen the use of the electronic certificate system. The generation rate and utilization rate of the electronic certificate of our bureau are 100%, ranking first in the city.
3. Strengthen epidemic prevention and control. The first is to coordinate and promote the epidemic prevention and control work in the commercial system, formulate the "Fuzhou Commercial System New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Plan", establish a leading group for the city's commercial system new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control work, and follow the principle of "fast, accurate, strict and detailed" to coordinate Do a good job in the city's business system in response to the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. The second is to do a good job in the prevention and control of epidemics in crowded places such as supermarkets and farmers' markets in accordance with the relevant work requirements of provincial and municipal epidemic prevention and control, and issue documents such as the "Notice on Further Strengthening Epidemic Prevention and Control in the Field of Commercial and Trade Circulation", and draft the " Notice on Further Improving Epidemic Prevention and Control in Shopping Malls, Supermarkets, Farmer's (Wholesale) Markets and Other Places". Urge the commercial departments of all counties (cities) and districts to conscientiously implement the spirit of the provincial and municipal epidemic prevention and control work conferences, and urge the operators of shopping malls, supermarkets, and agricultural products (wholesale) markets to formulate prevention and control management systems in accordance with the epidemic prevention and control requirements and industry prevention and control guidelines And the emergency response plan, implement the prevention and control requirements of the Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters on "code inspection, temperature measurement, non-gathering, wearing masks" in public places, ventilation and disinfection, flow restriction, settlement distance limit, etc. Continue to promote the strengthening of needle vaccinations for service personnel in key public places such as shopping malls and supermarkets, and strengthen immunization publicity and guidance for shopping malls and service personnel. Third, according to the actual situation of our city, we issued the "Four Measures on Responding to the Impact of the Epidemic and Promoting the Development of the Service Industry", and put forward four development measures in three aspects: boosting the recovery of the consumer market, promoting the growth of wholesale enterprises, and stabilizing employment during the epidemic to help our city Enterprises in the service industry respond to the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic and promote the steady development of the city's business service industry.
(4) The leadership of party building continues to deepen, and ideological construction does not relax
1. Highlight the theoretical arm and build a solid ideological foundation. Strictly implement the political life system within the party, the party group theoretical learning center group demonstration leading learning, party branch "three sessions and one class" concentrated learning, youth theoretical learning group seminars, party members and cadres online platform independent learning "four-level linkage" learning mechanism has been obtained Stable. Make good use of must-read books such as "Xi Jinping on Governance" and "New Minshan and Minshui Materials-Xi Jinping's Footprint in Fujian", and use the party's innovative theory to concentrate your heart and soul. Solidly carry out "loyalty, dedication, and dedication" to the party's loyalty education, and strengthen the belief and strengthen the party spirit through party lectures held by party organization secretaries at all levels, special seminars, and themed party day activities. In-depth carried out 12 series of themed activities such as welcoming the 20th National Congress, invited experts to give lectures 2 times, and branch special seminars 3 times.
2. Highlight the leadership of party building and serve the work of the center. In-depth implementation of the "Red Leading Organization First" action, organization of party members, cadres and employees to sink commercial and trade enterprises to carry out more than 20 rounds of civilized city construction supervision work, organization of government officials to participate in voluntary work during the "Digital Summit" to serve and guarantee the city's "one game of chess". Carry out the branch's standard star creation activities, and promote the successful completion of the reelection of 4 retired branches. Strictly supervise the daily supervision and management of party members, improve the quality of recruiting party members, and recruit 1 party member in 2022.
3. Highlight work style construction and strengthen pragmatic responsibility. In-depth implementation of the action of "improving efficiency, improving effectiveness, and increasing benefits", and establishing and improving six working mechanisms of "changing style, strengthening service, doing practical things, and promoting development". Strengthen the construction of a clean and honest culture, carry out various warning education, and rectify the four winds in an all-round way to establish a new wind. Carry out learning activities from advanced models, actively recommend the selection of advanced models to the provincial department and the Municipal Party Committee Civilization Office, guide party members and cadres to make new achievements in loyalty and dedication, and take the lead in dedication.
4. Fully implement the responsibility system for ideological work. First, conscientiously implement the central, provincial and municipal decision-making arrangements and instructions on ideological work, continuously enhance the awareness of "one post with two responsibilities", strictly follow the requirements of ideological work, and achieve the same goal of ideological work and business work. The work was coordinated and the measures were matched, and the municipal party committee's special ideological inspection of our bureau was successfully completed, and the special rectification measures were solidly implemented. The second is to select the best and strengthen the "red leading" propaganda, website review, public opinion monitoring and other teams, increase the intensity of external public opinion propaganda, and strictly manage the ideological position. In 2022, a total of 12,345 appeals and 1,955 appeals were accepted, and the timely review rate Both the completion rate and completion rate reached 100%; a total of more than 300 various news reports involving the city's business work were published on various mainstream media, effectively responding to various public opinions and vigorously publicizing the city's business work achievements.
(5) Grass-roots departments are pressurized and forge ahead, and the business system has bright spots
The commercial departments of counties (cities) and districts also carried out a lot of work in this year, achieved many outstanding highlights and achievements, and made important contributions to the development of the city's commercial economy. Gulou District actively builds a "dual-core" business district structure, supports the continuous upgrading of merchants such as Dongbai Center and Dayang Jingdian, and helps Dongjiekou Commercial District rank first in the final evaluation of Fujian Provincial Demonstration Commercial District, and continues to polish the "eight Fujian's No. 1 Business Circle" business card. Taijiang District ranks first in the city in terms of actual utilization of foreign capital, making outstanding contributions to the city; systematically promotes business district brand building, commercial transformation and upgrading, and Shangxiahang Longping Road (Jinyinli Pedestrian Street) was awarded the city-level gourmet experience demonstration street. Cangshan District promotes the improvement of the business district. During the National Day of Yantaishan Phase II, the number of people flowed 1.029 million, and the sales volume was 16.52 million yuan. It was exposed more than 50 million times on CCTV Finance, Xinhuanet and other media, which fully promoted the development of the surrounding economy. The export growth rate of Changle District is the first in the city (46.6%), which is significantly ahead of other counties (cities) and districts; it continues to promote the improvement of the commercial industry and the prosperity of the urban and rural consumer markets. It was selected as a pilot project for the construction of a 15-minute convenient living circle at the municipal level. Fuqing City completed 197 investment projects throughout the year, with a total investment of 105.042 billion yuan. It ranked first for four consecutive quarters in the comprehensive evaluation of the city's "major project investment promotion and landing action" work; it took the lead in promoting the construction and development of the purchase and sales supply chain system in the city Measures, for large-scale manufacturing enterprises with an annual billing amount of more than 500 million yuan, carry out the separation of main and auxiliary industries for rewards and subsidies, and realize "relying on the secondary industry to expand the tertiary industry", which has been affirmed by the municipal government. Minqing County held the 2nd China Youth New Year's Goods Festival (Fujian Branch) and the "Youth Village Years" Rural Revitalization Theme Carnival, which was held on-site through platforms such as Gangbangtuan V live broadcast, Youth Fujian video account, and the Fujian Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League Weibo account The number of viewers in the live broadcast and the live broadcast room exceeded 2.1 million, and the total reading volume of topics on the Weibo platform exceeded 80 million. Luoyuan County makes full use of the advantages of jade resources and jade carving talents to build a coastal jade cultural city, polish the brand of "world stone, Luoyuan workers", promote the formation of jade cultural industry clusters, and help Fuzhou build an international consumption center city. Yongtai County established a Douyin e-commerce live broadcast base, held the first Yongtai Rural Internet Celebrity Competition, and successfully incubated a number of live broadcast delivery teams; developed about 348 e-commerce companies, about 2,700 e-commerce stores, and about 5,000 direct employees In 2022, there will be 3,045 live broadcasts, a year-on-year increase of 40.8%; consumers will be attracted to watch 42.084 million times, a year-on-year increase of 195.8%. In addition, the commercial departments of counties (cities) and districts have carried out a lot of work in coordinating epidemic prevention and control and business and economic development, which is worthy of recognition.
1. Insufficient stamina for opening up to the outside world. In terms of foreign investment, foreign investment in newly established contracts in the city continued to decline, and some projects under discussion were affected by the regulation of land resources and were difficult to convert immediately, and the funding could not be clearly obtained in the short term, resulting in insufficient project reserves and lack of support. In terms of foreign trade, export companies are affected by factors such as shrinking external demand and epidemic situation, smooth supply chain, rising raw materials and squeeze profits. The orders of real enterprises have declined, and it is difficult to receive orders. The business situation is not optimistic; cross-border e-commerce, market procurement, barter trade, etc. The existing scale of the new foreign trade business is not enough to make up for the gap caused by the decline of entities. In terms of foreign investment and cooperation, most enterprises invest in a small scale, and more than 60% of the project investment is less than 1 million US dollars. Large and good projects are relatively scarce.
2. The business service industry needs to be upgraded. In terms of the consumer market, the effect of issuing consumer vouchers on consumption and social zero indicators has gradually slowed down, and it is necessary to further improve the quality and upgrade by expanding the consumer market and building consumer center cities. In terms of logistics industry, the number of A-level and above logistics enterprises in the city is 36% and 27% less than Xiamen and Quanzhou respectively, and they are mainly concentrated in 3A and 4A levels, and the scale of enterprises is relatively small; Compared with Xiamen and Quanzhou, logistics costs are high No less, the logistics service capability is weak, and needs to be improved in both quantity and quality. In terms of e-commerce industry, the foundation of talents, enterprise concentration and market scale is relatively weak, and the city's online retail scale still has a certain gap with Quanzhou and Xiamen. In terms of the convention and exhibition industry, the influence of the convention and exhibition industry is still relatively weak compared with other developed cities in the country. Brand exhibitions, high-end exhibitions and national-level exhibitions are relatively small. The exhibition area in 2022 will be 58.4% less than that of Xiamen. Weak, there is still a gap from the goal of "building a southeast exhibition highland".
3. There are still shortcomings in people's livelihood security. In terms of supply security, although the output of leafy vegetables in our city is relatively sufficient, the variety is still not rich enough, the structure needs to be optimized, and some leafy vegetable varieties still need to rely on external transfer. In the housekeeping service industry, the scale of housekeeping enterprises is "small and scattered", and the turnover of personnel is high. Management, service, training and guarantee need to be improved.
4. Work ideas in 2023
2023 is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and it is also a critical year to implement the "14th Five-Year Plan" and accelerate the construction of a modern international city. The city's business system will be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his visit to Fujian, and closely follow the "five firm grasps" and "four greater " and "three comprehensive" requirements, deeply grasp the mission and tasks of the party in the new era and new journey, deeply understand the Chinese characteristics, essential requirements, and major principles of Chinese-style modernization, based on the new development stage, implement the new development concept, serve and integrate into the new development pattern; around the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Provincial Party Committee and the Fourth Plenary Session of the Twelfth Municipal Party Committee, adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability and the essence of the "3820" strategic project, and fully implement the strategy of strengthening the provincial capital and "strive for excellence through deep learning and courage In order to strive for the first, hard work and effectiveness", the special action of "leading the party building, leading the economy, and leading the people's livelihood" promotes high-quality development in an all-round way, and takes the municipal party committee's "speeding up the construction of a modern international city" as the goal and common will to implement the "six cities, five brands and nine Action" to better coordinate development and security, boost market confidence, strive to promote the city's commercial economy to achieve effective improvement in quality and reasonable growth in quantity, and strive to achieve a growth rate of actual investment, export, and import and export that is not lower than that of the province. The target of social zero growth of 10% and tertiary industry growth of about 7.5% will provide business support and contribute business power for our city to take the lead in the new development and new journey and create brilliance.总体而言,是要做好“促开放”“稳市场”“优服务”“强作风”四件事;具体而言,就是实施对外开放、龙头扶引、业态升级、服务业发展、民生保障、营商环境、党建引领、队伍建设等八个行动。
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