2、合同标的:xx商业项目。商业规划建筑面积为平方米; 土地使用权证号码为
甲方委托乙方作为该项目的**投资者,并将招募该项目的所有投资区域。 负责项目的业务规划和投资执行。
(一)对项目周边的商业状况、消费水平、消费能力进行现场市场调查分析,并根据上述调查分析参与商业发展规划的制定; 制定商业招商引资规划。
(2)本合同签订后,乙方将不定期向甲方提交项目投资计划,并在提交计划时说明计划内容。 上述方案须经甲方审核同意后实施。甲方有权根据情况变化对方案进行调整。
7. 佣金费用:
(3)人员工资及费用:甲方负责并支付招商人员的工资及相关费用。 工资及费用标准如下:
备注:乙方赚取的佣金为税后净值。 若甲方要求提供有效发票结算,甲方将按发票税点向乙方支付税点。
D. 拥有乙方对该项目相关的所有策略和商业实践的最终决策权;
B、授权指定专业人员作为与乙方工作的联系人,指定联系人为: ;
E、按照本合同规定,按时支付乙方服务费。 否则,乙方有权停止工作。
F、对涉及甲方的商业秘密予以严格保密。 未经甲方书面同意,乙方不得对外公布甲方的经营情况、投资策略和企业动态;
(一)合同签订后,双方均应认真遵守,未经对方书面许可,任何一方不得解除合同。 一方擅自解除合同或者实施致使另一方无法正常履行合同的行为,经书面通知另一方仍不能改正的,另一方有权解除合同,并且违约方应向违约方支付违约金人民币10万元(小写:10万元)。
12、争议的解决:因执行本合同而发生的争议,由双方协商解决。 协商不成的,任何一方均可向项目所在地人民法院提起诉讼。
12. 其他
(四)甲方应及时回复乙方的招商策略和建议。 若甲方延误造成客户损失,乙方有权索赔损失并视情况批准招商业绩。
13、双方均已充分理解上述规定。 如有未尽事宜,双方协商一致后,可形成书面意见,作为本合同的附件。
商业投资规划计划样本第 2 部分
未来五年,我区将重点布局,布局交通装备制造产业基地、高新技术产业基地、现代物流产业基地、总部基地、文化创意和服务外包产业基地等六大产业基地,在西部和西南郊区。 一个设施合理、配套齐全、产城融合的现代化城市新区,将形成发展新空间、产业集聚新格局、经济增长新引擎。 加强六大产业基地建设,规划编制是一项基础工作。 规划是产业基地建设的龙头,决定着基地的发展方向、规模和质量,是指导全地区产业发展的“路线图”; 规划工作,特别是招商规划,是实施产业规划的重要抓手,是产业基地产业项目准入标准,是下一步招商引资和资本选择的依据和准则。 因此,制定科学务实的产业规划和招商引资计划,为领导提供准确的决策依据,可以推动六大产业基地建设走上良性循环、健康发展的轨道。
(一)认真研究发展思路,努力推动规划编制工作顺利推进。 按照区委、区政府的工作部署,认真学习文件精神,正确领会区委、区政府的总体思路,明确六大产业基地规划内容要求,研究国家有关规定政策法规,了解各产业基地的建设标准,同时认真调查、分析和研究基地现有企业、土地存量、基地运营模式、周边环境、投资方向、政府服务、税收和土地优惠政策等,尽快制定符合国家产业政策和我区产业空间布局要求的规划。 开展六大基地产业规划和投资规划方案,专家对其可行性进行专家论证,加强与上级部门的沟通,积极争取相关支持和优惠政策,加快推进基地规划建设。六大产业基地。
(二)统一规划布局,分步建设实施。 各基地在我区总体规划指导下,由牵头单位负责。 根据各自功能定位、产业定位、运行模式和国家产业政策要求,以详细规划为重点,完善重大基础设施专项规划,按轻重缓急合理安排。 建设顺序要优先支持基础设施、公共服务设施发展、生态环境建设,加快基础设施和公共服务平台建设,引导产业基地在资源配置、服务平台、市场网络、产业体系等方面的发展。产业链、科技创新、节能减排。 减排、循环经济等方面协调发展,可以有效降低企业交易成本和生产成本,确保各基地功能齐全、建设良好,促进六大产业基地健康可持续发展。
(三)创新招商引资,加强招大引强。 加强专业招商队伍建设,深入研究各产业发展趋势,及时捕捉专业产业基地扩张趋势,明确六大产业基地招商方向,确定有效招商方式严格执行准入标准,提升产业空间房地产集约度和空间价值。 、主动加强沟通和服务对接,打造全市六大产业基地品牌形象,以品牌优势推动产业集聚发展,通过产业集聚发展形成各主要产业基地的竞争和比较优势。 提高吸引环境投资能力,在建立良好软硬环境的基础上,各相关单位要明确投资重点,大力推进主题概念投资、产业链投资、资源投资,引进一批企业符合国家产业政策、投资规模大、吸纳就业能力强、财政贡献突出的优质龙头项目,将推动区域经济快速发展。
(四)明确分工和职责,同步推进六大基地产业规划和招商规划。 区发展改革委负责统筹协调六大产业基地规划编制工作。 对内制定工作方案,搭建协调和信息传递平台,做好落实的衔接、协调和督促,对外做好业务沟通,积极争取政策支持和联络。 有关部门要严格按照规划时间要求和职责分工,制定六大产业基地产业规划和投资规划方案; 方案初步完成后,组织专家论证会,集思广益,增强方案的实用性和可操作性。 政府监察室负责工作监督。 各部门要加强沟通协调配合,共同深化扎实推进六大产业基地规划建设。
1、交通装备制造产业基地:以中国重汽集团为龙头,整合周边资源,做大延伸产业链,打造规模化、高端化、集群化的交通装备制造产业基地。 牵头单位:区经信局,协调单位:区发展改革委、区科技局、党家街道办事处。
2、高新技术产业基地:以西客站市中心区智能经济区(腊山)为核心,依托西门子等高新技术企业,打造拥有丰富资源的高新技术产业基地。人力资源丰富,科技成果显着,发展潜力巨大。 牵头单位:区科技局,合作单位:区发展改革委、区经济和信息化局、区商务局、拉山产业基地管委会、拉山创业服务中心、白马山街道办事处。
3、现代物流产业基地:以新城产业基地为起步区,积极引进大型现代物流项目,建设组织程度高、集疏运能力强、带动性突出的现代物流产业基地影响到党家、斗沟地区。 牵头单位:区经济和信息化局、区商务局,配合单位:区发展改革委、新城产业基地管委会、七贤街道办事处、白马山街道办事处、党家街道办事处、斗沟街道办事处。
4.悦尔总部基地:结合城中村转型发展,加快引进聚合总部办公、研发设计、中试成果转化等高端业态在悦尔片区,打造城中村总部基地。良好的制度环境和完善的服务体系。 牵头单位:区投资服务中心,配合单位:区发展改革委、区经济和信息化局、斗沟街道办事处。
5、文化创意基地:重点打造知识含量高、融合性强的文化创意基地,加快郑庄工业园区规划建设。 牵头单位:市文化局,协调单位:区发展改革委、斗沟街道办事处。
6、服务外包产业基地:以郑庄产业园为平台,加强与专业化园区运营机构的合作,做好郑庄服务外包产业园基地的规划和规划。 牵头单位:区商务局,协调单位:区发展改革委、斗沟街道办事处。
领导部门组织有关单位对产业基础进行全面调查,形成调查报告并附调查表。 表格样本不统一,是根据各自行业特点自行编制的。
将经专家论证的六大产业基地产业规划和招商引资方案报区委、区政府审议。 方案通过后,报区政府下发正式文件。
(一)加强组织领导,落实工作责任。 各领导部门要高度重视这项工作,并将这项工作列入重要工作日程。 主要领导负总责,分管领导依靠最高管理层,抽调专职人员开展具体工作。 有关部门要加强协调配合,形成合力,共同推动这项工作顺利进行。
(二)强化财政保障,确保工作顺利开展。 各部门要积极发挥各自优势,扎实做好各项工作,切实做好资金保障和资金调度工作,确保各项资金及时足额到位,确保产业规划和招商引资规划顺利制定。
但同样是一场业务推介会,不同的企业有不同的“玩法”,但“有人欢喜有人愁”。 “圈钱”的目的误入歧途,最后落得竹篮打水的下场。 因此,对于招商会来说,厂家除了要树立良好的心态,不投机、不耍花招外,还要注意“一三五”的规则,即必须关注经销商看重和“目标”的核心要素,聚焦经销商。 需要大惊小怪; 其次,制定完整的投资策略,细分定位投资,锁定自己的目标市场和客户; 做好预算,跟进细节,从理念到行动落实。 只有这样,招商引资工作才能有序进行,目标才能真正有效实现。
只要是企业招商引资,这个原则就不能改变。 需要参与招商的企业深入了解经销商的内在需求,经销商关心什么、想到什么、最终需要什么? 很多企业在招商过程中,往往方向和目标不明确,以致“盲人骑瞎马,半夜临深潭”。 最终招商会的所有投入都打了水漂。 事实上,招商还必须讲究4P,即4C模式,即厂家“出现”的产品一定是经销商需要的; 产品价格的制定应更多地参考经销商愿意为他们想要的产品支付的成本或价格(投入); 在招商渠道上,要选择经销商关注的比较“方便”的媒体; 在制定招商政策(促销)时,需要通过前期与目标经销商的互动进行良好的沟通,达成共识,进而获得他们的理解、支持和参与,从而使招商目标得以顺利实现。 在具体实施层面,作为厂家,要更加关注经销商所想、所想、所做,这也是制定招商策略的前提。 一般情况下,在招商会上,经销商会比较关注以下几个方面:
1、市场容量和产品实力。 更需要通过一些数据,如当地区域人口、经济发展水平等来展现经销商所在区域的潜力和巨大的市场容量,即要善于为经销商“画饼”,并抛出有吸引力的力量“大饼”,让经销商感动并行动。
2.品牌力或广告支持。 通过展示品牌的无形价值,尤其是品牌建设方案,或者具体的广告方案,更容易让目标经销商跃跃欲试,从而认可品牌和产品,并使其下定决心经销产品。 。 当然,厂家与经销商约定的所有政策都必须按时履行,否则,无异于搬起石头砸脚。
3.产品和品牌利润率。 厂家之间的关系本质是利益关系。 制造商能否赢得经销商的青睐和特许经营,取决于制造商提供的产品和品牌能给他们带来多少有形和无形的利益。 他们没有足够的、合理的利润空间。 支持,一切归零。
4、营销计划的实用性和有效性。 在招商会上,很多厂家都会拿出欺骗性的营销方案,但作为越来越理性、现实的经销商,他们更加注重方案的可行性和有效性。 执行并可复制的有效营销计划才能俘获经销商的“心”。 制定营销计划时,避免华而不实。
5、企业实力和服务能力。 一个企业的实力不仅体现在企业的规模和硬件设施上,更体现在企业的企业背景、有无不良记录和售后服务等方面。 经销商感兴趣的是那些有良好的退换货等信用保障机制,以及售前、售中、售后服务规范,能够让经销商“零风险”经营的厂家。
6、后续市场协助和支持。 优秀的厂家一定是那些在招商完成后能够帮助经销商快速启动市场,并且能够为经销商提供贴身和咨询服务的厂家。 因此,厂商必须制定更加全面的阶段性政策支持和人才支持。 等等,让经销商看到真正的战略合作伙伴关系是可以建立的,而不是仅仅停留在形式和口头上。
在招商过程中,厂家只有满足目标经销商的实际需求,换位思考,招商才会更有针对性,真正满足经销商的胃口店铺招商策划方案,这样招商工作才会锦上添花。蛋糕,事半功倍。 。
1、细分投资目标。 也就是说你要明白投资的目的是什么?主要是展示企业产品和品牌形象,吸引眼球
业务以招商融资为辅,以宣传扩大知名度为辅。 只有明确了两者的关系,才能明确招商引资的定位和方向,才能因地制宜制定招商引资策略。 例如,某白酒生产企业的招商口号是:“我们的目标是占领市场,不是为了盈利而招商引资”; 细分招商目标的目的是让企业明确自己的招商使命,避免陷入招商误区,以致找不到“北”。
2、锁定目标市场。 根据公司的营销战略定位和招商使命,并非所有地区或市场都能使公司受益。 Therefore, as a manufacturer, it is necessary to lock in a suitable regional market based on its own core advantages as its own staged market. The target is to focus on the market, and achieve the marketing goal of becoming the first in the region through regional rolling sales (ARS marketing strategy). For example, according to its own scale and strength, a certain winery locks its investment promotion area in three provinces in North China. At the same time, according to the division of administrative regions, it regards five prefecture-level markets with a transportation radius of 300 kilometers as its main regional market. So as to formulate the investment promotion strategy: for the future base market with a good foundation, direct investment promotion will be implemented; for the strategic market, the exclusive distribution and investment promotion will be implemented by product and channel; There is a limit on the amount of the disbursement.
3. Focus on target customers. In fact, attracting investment is equivalent to a man's "finding a wife". If you want to find a dealer who "manages the house" and "lives a living", you must focus on your target customers. Not all customers who are willing to distribute your products are your ideals. Customers, only dealers who meet the manufacturer's future market positioning are suitable dealers. In order to avoid the manufacturer's misjudgment, as a manufacturer, before attracting investment, it is necessary to formulate investment promotion standards and make a virtual "portrait" of its future dealers who are in line with the company's development. "Only those who meet the conditions can enter the next round of screening. Those who do not meet the conditions, no matter how powerful they are, must avoid being "shortlisted", let alone allow them to develop into strategic partners. For example, a certain liquor manufacturer, considering that it is in the stage of rapid development from a regional brand to a national brand, has listed several standards for dealers on the premise of taking things steadily and steadily: they should not be older than 50 years old, have passion, and have distributed quickly. Consumer goods, credibility in line with 3A standards, a marketing team of more than 10 people, etc., thus through strict control, a dealer with strong development ability, who can breathe the same breath and share the same destiny with the enterprise has been selected. Facts have proved that this kind of optimized dealer Distributors later lived up to expectations. With the good follow-up support of the manufacturer, they quickly distributed the goods, and the products quickly occupied the local market.
Five basic points: adopt appropriate investment methods and means, formulate pragmatic investment policies, clarify investment steps and schedules, establish and train an investment team, and prepare an investment budget.
凡事预则立,不预则废。 In order to "brilliant" in attracting investment, it is necessary to formulate plans, rationally divide labor, make careful arrangements, and do the work in the following five aspects:
1. Use appropriate investment methods and means. There are generally no more than three methods of attracting investment. The first is the bidding system, that is, to find a good partner for the product through a method similar to the auction of regional distribution rights. This method is often suitable for big brands and manufacturers. If a dealer wants to get the distribution rights, in addition to paying the price, it usually has to pay a "buyout fee." The second is the bidding system, that is, there is no need to pay a buyout fee, but only the payment for goods or a market deposit. If these conditions are met, the best candidates can be hired. The third is the standard-based system, that is, as long as you follow the conditions set by the manufacturer, you can get the distribution rights or rights for the product without too many conditional restrictions. Generally, manufacturers adopt the third investment method. Therefore, with reference to the above three models, you must choose an investment recruitment method that suits you. That is, it should not be too strict so that no one "answers the call"; but it should not be too broad so that anyone can come in. Only those who meet the conditions must be certain. Strong dealers "reject all comers", set thresholds and formulate appropriate investment standards, so that dealers with this authority can cherish the opportunity, thereby better strengthening their products, building a famous brand, and expanding the market.
2. Formulate pragmatic investment policies. Whether the investment policy is clever and reasonable is related to whether it can attract dealers to join. Therefore, when formulating the investment policy, it must be attractive and honest, rather than "fooling" dealers. The formulation of investment policies generally requires different levels of barriers based on different levels of market and different amounts of payment. Different levels provide different policy support. At the same time, investment policies should be as diversified as possible in terms of expression. In addition to the deposit In addition to regular policies such as , rebates, discounts, and return and exchange conditions, you can also set how many stores will be supported with buyout fees, how many promotions, tally staff support, and how much promotional product support will be provided with the products based on the down payment standards. For those who meet the annual In terms of reward standards, material or spiritual rewards such as overseas travel and training and learning opportunities can also be set to provide all-round incentives from all aspects, thereby setting up obstacles in a series to contain the target dealers, thereby motivating dealers to challenge more. Big sales goals.
3. Clarify investment promotion steps and schedule arrangements. If we want to prevent investment promotion from being "clumsy", resulting in tension, confusion, and flaws, we must clearly define the steps and date schedule for investment promotion, set up a temporary investment promotion department, clarify the organizational structure, and specific job responsibilities, and integrate the investment promotion process into Each step and corresponding work should be implemented layer by layer to the corresponding personnel, so that everyone has indicators, everyone has pressure, and everyone has motivation. Specific work indicators, assessments, rewards and punishments must be set up to organizationally ensure that investment activities are carried out step by step. advance. At the same time, in terms of schedule, it is necessary to arrange investment meetings, select publicity media, issue invitations, prepare materials, emergency preparedness plans, etc., and plan them reasonably and complete them within a time limit so that all work can be coordinated. For example, when formulating the steps for attracting investment, a winery designed the following workflow: Writing and designing investment copywriting - Selection and placement of investment advertising media - Information processing of calls and letters - Issuing meeting invitations - Convening meetings and signing contracts ——Tracking and supervising the performance of the contract-Customer file transfer-Associated sales work begins, thus clarifying the work sequence and job responsibilities of the investment promotion work, ensuring the smooth progress of the investment promotion work.
4. Establish and train an investment team. The investment fair is a "martial arts stage" that can truly demonstrate the strength of a manufacturer and whether the team is well-trained. Therefore, during the preparation period for the investment fair, it is necessary to conduct intensive training for the participating staff, such as the training conference system and management regulations, practical business etiquette, standard speaking skills, negotiation skills, etc., so as to create a strong style, high skills, flexible investment team, reflect the manufacturer's good corporate image and inherent charm, attract the active participation of dealers and Join.
Business Investment Planning Plan Sample Article 4
Party B: ___ Real Estate Brokerage Co., Ltd.
In accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Contract Law" of the People's Republic of China and other laws and regulations, and under the principles of equality, mutual benefit, and voluntariness, Party A and Party B, through friendly consultations, have entrusted Party A with Party B to provide full-scale design, planning, sales, investment operations, and project management. This contract has been reached on the land plot of Kunming College of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Baita Road, Kunming City (hereinafter referred to as the project).
Article 1 Projects and addresses for investment promotion and operation and management
The property that Party A entrusts Party B with business planning, investment attraction and commercial operation management is:, the location is:, and the total construction area of the project is square meters.
Article 2 Consensus between both parties
(1) Party A entrusts Party B to provide the land use right party ___ with a complete set of bidding and design schemes for the project.
(2) After Party A and ___ reach a strategic cooperation agreement, Party B shall pay Party B a lump-sum payment of RMB 500,000 for the preliminary planning of the project. (RMB 500,000)
(3) After Party A and ____ reach a strategic cooperation agreement, Party B will become the only agency for the project, responsible for the planning, design, bidding, sales, investment promotion and shopping mall management of the project. Party A may not replace or cancel it for any reason. or suspend Party B's above rights in the project.
(4) Party B has absolute subject rights in the planning, design, bidding, sales, investment invitation and shopping mall management of the project. If Party A needs to modify the entrusted matters during the project development, it shall negotiate with Party B and obtain Party B's written consent.
Article 3 Obligations and Rights of Party A and Party B
3.1 Party A's rights:
(1) Responsible for reviewing all relevant plans provided by Party B, proposing modifications and consulting with Party B, and ensuring that the plan is implemented after being approved by the statutory authority;
(2) Party B has the final decision-making power for all strategies and business activities related to the project;
(3) Have the right to inspect Party B's work at any time, evaluate Party B's service quality at each stage, and provide suggestions for improvement to Party B in a timely manner;
(4) Party B has the right to request all the materials in the project operation carried out by Party B;
(5) After all investment promotion, sales, and commercial operations are confirmed, Party A's financial supervisor responsible for the project site will collect the deposits paid by all customers and handle relevant procedures.
3.2 Party A's obligations:
(1) Party A guarantees that this project has passed the inspection and acceptance by relevant departments and can be used for commercial and other functions; Party A should provide relevant information to assist Party B in handling relevant procedures and provide Party B with relevant legal documents proving the project;
(2) Bear various advertising expenses for the project and Party B's corresponding office expenses for implementing the project, and provide Party B with a fixed office space and corresponding office equipment;
(3) Party A shall authorize in writing to assign professionals as contacts to coordinate with Party B on the project.
(4) According to this contract, Party A shall pay Party B's service fees on time;
(5) To bear the relevant public relations, materials, publicity materials and various design costs in the process of Party B's investment promotion;
(6) Do not interfere with Party B's daily business and personnel management, and only evaluate Party B's periodic work indicators;
(7) Responsible for the handling of all government agencies and other procedures for the project;
(8) Obligation to coordinate the work of Party B and work-related institutions (such as advertising companies, design institutes, construction parties, etc.).
3.3 Party B's rights
(1) Collect relevant service fees on time as agreed in the contract;
(2) Party B may report the plan or make relevant suggestions to Party A in writing, email, or telephone. Party A shall respond within 24 hours, otherwise it will be deemed as agreement to the suggestion or report;
(3) After Party B assists the developer to reach project cooperation, Party B will become the only planning agency, design agency, investment promotion, sales, and commercial operator of this project;
(4) Party A promises not to change, cancel or suspend Party B's planning agency, design agency, investment promotion, sales and commercial operation company for any reason after acquiring the project;
(5) Party B promises that the planning agency, design agency, investment promotion, sales, commercial, planning fees and design fees will be 10% lower than those in the same industry.
3.4 Party B's obligations:
(1) Conduct investment promotion and business consulting according to laws and regulations;
(2) Submit the relevant plan of the project for Party A's review based on relevant information, relevant conditions, and relevant circumstances, and implement it after Party A's confirmation;
保密,未经甲方书面同意,乙方不得对外公布;不得向他人转让、泄露、扩散该项目的资料、图纸、文件及相关经济指标。 第四条服务费用和支付方式
第五条 违约责任
第八条 其他
甲方(盖章) 乙方(盖章)
代表: 代表:
签字日期: 签字日期:
按照公司与策划公司所签合同规定,XX应于去年出台《招商计划书》及《招商手册》,但目前该工作已经滞后。公司要求,上述两书在一季度由策划公司编制出台。 为综合医药市场情况,拟由招商部负责另行起草《招商办法》要求招商部在元月份出初稿。
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