(一)项目基本概况。 包括项目名称、项目目的、拟建公司名称、地址、经营范围和规模。 合资项目还必须包括投资者的信息,包括姓名、法定地址和法定代表人。 项目总投资、注册资本、股本。 项目运营期。 报告的总体概述、结论、问题和建议。
(二)项目合作方式安排。 项目单位为企业,方式可以合资、合作。 如果是开发区或工业园区,可以说明土地和闲置工厂的情况。
(三)项目产品生产安排。 首先是对项目所属行业的发展现状、市场前景、发展趋势进行分析。 包括行业历史和前景、市场规模和增长趋势、项目产品或同类产品制造商介绍、行业市场前景分析和预测。 进入该行业的技术壁垒和贸易壁垒。 政策限制等。二是介绍产品生产安排,如计划产量、产品销售价格、内销外销比例等。
(四)工程物资供应情况。 项目所需原辅材料市场供应情况,水、电等能源、交通条件分析。
(五)项目选址及其依据。 重点分析项目所在园区的优势。
(六)技术装备和工艺流程。 主要技术要点及一般流程。
(七)生产组织安排。 建议公司架构、人员规划、激励机制等
(八)环境保护。 项目是否存在污染?
(十)筹资方式和资金来源。 资金需求、用途、使用计划等。参股或设立新公司。
(十一)经济效益综合分析预测。 生产成本和收入分析,包括生产成本计算和利润预测。 盈亏平衡分析。 敏感性分析。 投资收益及投资回收期分析、内部收益率、静态投资回收期、动态投资回收期等。
(十二)风险控制分析。 说明项目实施过程中可能遇到的政策风险、技术风险、经营风险、市场开发风险、生产风险、财务风险、汇率风险、投资风险等风险,以及需要采取的控制措施或预防措施。通过了。
(13)结论。 该项目在财务上是否可行。
(一)《快车道项目BT融资公告》在网上发布后,我中心接待访客100余人次。 不少客商来我县实地考察、洽谈。 与北京雷曼公司、中国建筑等国内知名企业进行不同层次的谈判。 商家普遍提出的疑问:一是县城总体规划和火车站6平方公里“县城拓展核心区”控制性详细规定尚未获批,建设用地指标无法明确; 二是回购资金的担保承诺需要县财政出具书面承诺,经县人大常委会作出正式决议; 三是项目所采取的优惠政策; 四是中宇公司准备了5000万元,并提出融资金额的13%合同比例; 该财团准备了近3亿元资金,并向该财团提出了政府反担保要求。 所有这些都已报告给政府,正在等待答复。
(二)积极探索“快车道”融资渠道。 项目向重庆市银行、工商银行黔江分行等两家金融机构推荐,并与中国农业银行*分行签署了《中博高速公路项目融资合作意向书》; 渠道项目。 中心与县发改委联合推动北京某投资公司快速通道项目; 与县档案局共同推进上海某投资公司快速通道项目; 与县财政局就项目资金筹集事宜进行洽谈,目前快车道项目已到位资金3000万元。
(三)努力争取项目资金。 12月以来,在刘县长的亲自指导下,中心与金汇投资、铁路二院就扶贫线快速通道项目、寻求外资贷款等事宜进行了初步洽谈。 有关情况已报告政府决策。
(一)积极推荐县储备的其他投资项目,签订总投资6000万元的《合作意向书》。 分别是:与秀山聚昆达锰业有限公司签署的《重晶石勘查开采投资合作意向书》和《方解石生产建设项目投资合作意向书》; 连河县科学技术协会与四川天健土地整理有限公司签署了《土地整理建设项目投资合作意向书》,拟投资3000万元。 目前,矿产资源需要政府明确探矿权,土地改良需要招标才能拨付资金。
(2)与重庆鹏石投资有限公司签署“逸豪酒店”招商合作协议。 项目总投资2.2亿元。 截至目前,*县怡豪酒店有限公司项目资金已到位:项目土地使用权转让给县地房局共计1128.3万元; 项目建设资金约1000万元。
(3)在重庆*城建招商大会上初步与建安建设(集团)公司签署滨江公园项目意向协议,但与象屿公司洽谈后因投资金额巨大而搁浅。 并与宁波某企业签订投资1000万元、年产1000吨幽州调味品酒厂合作意向书。 宁波客商计划春节后进行现场检查。
围绕*县人民政府确立的“一体两翼”城市发展战略,以县十二届五次会议精神为指导,以新一轮城市建设为契机以市政府总体规划获批为契机,以推动城市建设全面提速为总体要求,提出了“短期20万人、中期17.8平方公里、30万人、 30平方公里,远期50万人,以50平方公里和“一城五组团”发展格局为抓手,重点启动中博高速公路项目建设和基础设施建设。渤海群城,规划了一批起点高、视野宽、金额大的城市建设投资项目,全力打造*县渤海群城建设开放平台。 招商引资是加快发展最直接、最现实、最有效的途径。 2009年,市招商中心重点做好以下几方面招商引资工作:
(一)加强领导,坚持领导带头招商引资。 城投中心成立三个招商小组,分别由总经理陈伟、副总经理冉建忠、副总经理宋金忠担任组长。 每个团队外出招商均超过3次。 积极争取来我县投资的企业家、在我县工作生活过的知名人士、国外*籍成功人士的帮助,实行委托投资、乡村投资、创业投资。
(二)以中垛镇至高速公路等环渤海群基础设施项目为重点,工业、林业、畜牧业为辅招商引资。 夯实项目储备基础,深入研究国家产业发展方向,以高起点、宽视野、大手笔谋划一批社会效益和经济效益良好的城市建设和投资项目,使全力打造*县环渤海集团城市建设开放平台。
【关键词】 物资采购; 管理; 原则; 业务流程
物资供应是企业生产的前提。 为了维持正常生产,降低缺货风险,必须重视物资采购和供应。 物资采购供应的质量直接影响企业产品的质量。 材料采购成本构成产品生产成本的主体,材料采购成本的水平直接影响企业产品的制造成本; 物资采购是企业与资源市场的关系接口,是企业外部供应链运作的接口。 只有通过物资采购部门与供应商的接触和业务往来,将企业与市场连接起来,企业才能选择市场和供应商,使企业更具竞争力; 物资采购供应部门与市场的紧密联系,是企业获取市场信息的有效途径,是企业做出科学、正确、有效的管理决策的准确渠道。 优质、有效、务实的物资采购管理是企业的第三利润源泉; 两者的潜力充分挖掘后,企业的核心竞争力就是物资采购管理; 采购成本低,意味着产品制造成本低,市场竞争力强; 库存物料周转快,资金占用少,资金成本低,可降低总成本。
物资采购管理的总要求是五项原则。 正确的时间、正确的数量、正确的质量、正确的价格和正确的供应商。
适当的时间是指采购时间要科学,不能太早,也不能太晚,树立零库存的理念。 适量以需求量为导向,尽量避免过多和不足。 如果数量太大,一旦需求减少或产品修改,就会造成积压、死料、浪费。 即使追究责任,损失也将是难以挽回的。 适宜的质量是指以能满足企业生产需要的质量为标准。 如果质量太高,采购成本就会很高,而且质量和功能会造成浪费。 不要一味追求品质,适合自己的才是**的。 适当的价格是指准确、合理的市场价格。 合适的供应商是指选择一定数量的符合企业要求的合格供应商,与其建立平等互利的贸易机会,保持合作关系。
采购人员应具有良好的道德品质,有正义感,品行端正,遵纪守法,秉公办事,不谋取私利; 要有良好的政治素质,热爱祖国、热爱党、热爱企业、热爱集体,清正廉洁。 具有强烈的责任感、敬业精神、敬业精神,能够自觉抵制和防止一切损害企业、集体、国家利益的违法行为; 他们应具有较高的知识水平,并具有一定的专业技能、经济管理、社会心理等方面的能力。 知识。 要刻苦学习,掌握专业知识,提高专业能力。 了解物料的性质、规格、型号、采购渠道、验收标准和方法、运输、储存、包装特性、市场价格及变化趋势,也了解企业内不同物料的用途、数量、位置,了解车间工艺流程、设备及环境特点; 应具有良好的社交能力、商务经验、谈判能力、控制协调沟通能力。 应思维敏捷,善于表达,表达能力强,仪表整洁,形象良好。
采购计划是企业内部物资供应工作的依据。 就是解决买什么、买多少、什么时候买的问题。 这也是物料管理的**道关卡。
采购部门计划人员根据物资需求清单清点库存并与基层单位沟通,明确所需物资的名称、规格、型号、技术质量标准及要求、数量、交货时间、用途等要素基层单位上报的材料确认仓库无替代材料后,制定采购计划。 保管员收到物资采购计划后,再次清点库存,确认库存中无同类物资后签字。 这样就可以区分责任,对计划人员进行限制和监督,避免因采购过多而造成积压。 同时也可以为物料主管审批计划提供参考; 加强紧急物资计划管理。 基层申报的应急物资计划必须经生产、设备负责人批准并签字,并标记为紧急后方可申报。 物资供应部门经业务科长审核签字后,方可按照应急物资相应程序进行采购。 您不需要参加合同审查会议。
因计划外采购造成积压的,应当追究采购实施人的责任。 避免盲目采购造成过多存储和积压,影响后期仓库内物料的周转次数和周转天数,从而减少库存资金的占用。 在制定采购计划时,应注意内部计划传递过程中牛鞭效应的扩大。 具体来说,车间班组人为扩大了应急物资的需求,车间技术人员再次扩大了车间层面有效储备的需求。 供应部门的采购阶段是为了安全。 库存反过来又放大了采购量,从而三个环节都放大了需求信号。 采购计划必须保证准确性,对车间收到的物料需求计划必须进行咀嚼和消化,了解物料的需求和要求,解决和消除物料计划中存在的问题,确保来源计划一代不能生病。 要求策划人员深入车间,了解设备系统的通用性、设备运行周期、物料特性、同种物料的设备兼容性、物料的使用条件、质量要求,确保采购物料的适用性。
比价采购的优点是所选供应商在合格供应商名录中。 这些供应商是在充分调查的基础上进行筛选的。 经过长期合作,参与报价的供应商选择具有针对性,沟通和采购控制更加便捷。 而且灵活,采购流程相对简单,工作量小,效率高,采购成本低。 比价采购 各供应商根据自己的进货渠道和实力规模进行报价,客观反映了市场的正常水平,不会出现价格扭曲或质量不合格的现象。 其缺点是范围窄,选择的供应商相对较少且相对固定,业务人员的偏好较大,选择的供应商不一定是**的。 与其他采购相比,适合数量少、价值低、连续发生的物资采购。 制作询价函时,须填写采购单位名称、联系方式、联系人、报价时限、采购材料名称、规格型号、技术参数、数量、生产厂家、交货周期、付款方式等。运输方式。
数量大、生产急需、交货期紧迫、招标采购时间不够。 报价单位无需到现场开标。 报价信息等同于招标文件,须密封邮寄或当面送达。 监理、法务、业务人员按约定时间共同亲自开封密封报价。 报价单位不得少于三个,其效率相当于招标采购。 评审结果须按照招标采购的规定进行处理。 与招标采购相比,密封报价与招标采购的区别在于报价单位不在现场,相互之间不见面。 必须严格选择报价单位,避免质量参差不齐,相关单位报价,并附标。
招标采购的使用范围:招标是指向一定范围内的多家供应商发出投标邀请书。 招标采购过程周期长、耗时长、消耗能源多、运营成本高。 一般只用于比较重大的项目或影响深远的项目。 寻找大批量物资采购供应商; 寻找长期材料采购供应商; 寻找大型建设项目的工程建设材料采购供应商; 寻找重要的材料供应商。 其优点:体现公开、公平、公正、透明,所有操作流程公开,杜绝暗箱操作、行贿受贿等违法腐败行为; 充分体现竞争。 多个投标人同时公开投标是一种实力的竞争。 利用竞争机制,调动积极性和智慧,提高投标水平和质量; 反映优化。 通过众多投标人的竞争,只能有一名投标人中标,且方案优者才能中标。 每个竞标者必然会调动一切智慧招商策划方案,制定并提供**方案参与竞争。 一个完整的招标流程具体包括以下五个步骤:前期策划、招投标、招标、评标、定标。
1. 早期规划
一是明确招标内容和目标,对招标的必要性和可行性进行充分研究和讨论。 二是认真研究确定招标文件标的。 三是研究招标方案、操作步骤、时间安排。 四是评标小组和评标方式的确定。 五是将上述方案制定成书面文件报领导批准,并取得公司领导层和决策层的同意和支持。
首先是准备并形成招标邀请函。 招标文件为公开招标文件,是招标的核心文件。 二是认真研究招标文件,摸透标的物。 需标明投标截止时间、投标地点、交通路线、联系方式,并提醒投标人不得迟到。 投标文件应当简短、清晰,使读者一目了然地了解和获取基本信息。 三是发送投标文件。 将投标书正确地传送给所需的投标人。 通过挂号信、特快专递、传真等方式直接发送给选定的投标人。
3. 投标
投标人收到投标文件后,如有意愿并愿意参加投标的,将进入投标程序并编制投标文件。 首先是准备企业的营业执照、资质证书、安全生产许可证。 二是法定代表人身份证明。 三是法人授权委托书。 四是投标函附件。 第五份是投标保证金的押金收据复印件。 六、招标文件及合同条款的承诺及补充意见。 七是绩效证明材料。 八是投标报价说明。 九是报价单。 十是招标文件电子版。 其中,报价表需要经过特别认真的研究和详细的论证来完成,必须是先进的、合理的、有利可图的。
招标人收到密封投标书后,不得提前开启。 只有在招标会议开始时,所有投标人和评标员才会到场检查封条是否完好,然后当场开启。 现场开标后,投标人持投标文件在全体评标组面前进行陈述并接受全体评委的质询和答辩。 投标人离开会场,全体评标人员进行分析评价,最终投票或评分选出中标投标人。
5. 校准
全体评标人员选出中标单位后,通知中标单位签订合同。 同时,未中标的投标人将被告知中标结果,退还投标保证金并表示感谢。 以上就是一般招标采购的整个流程。 特殊情况下,竞价步骤可能会有一些变化。
三是开展外展和对内支持措施,充分激发招商引资活力。 外联是指利用当地资源,对先前洽谈的项目进行联系和跟进。 对内支持就是支持当地有发展潜力的企业做大做强,比如**安全帽生产等企业。 目前有2个项目正在讨论中。 一是**县砂石厂项目,总投资3000万元。 经国家投资公司、工业投资公司现场勘察,初步选址在**镇吉镇国道南侧。 工厂规划面积约50亩。 二是年产30万立方米装配式住宅混凝土砌块(板)生产线项目,总投资8180万元。 厂区主要建筑有加气混凝土砌块生产车间、破碎机房、球磨机房、原料储存仓库、锅炉等。 房屋、原料堆场、水、电、汽等配套设施和部分生活设施投产后预计产值2000万元以上。 该项目目前正在与投资方沉**积极洽谈。
四是打造产业集聚平台。 以一区两园为载体,承接符合我镇发展的工业企业项目。 集中力量建设集镇小微企业创业区,支持海归农民工创业园区、产业园区发展。 启动集镇两侧高效物流园区项目。 一期建设占地30亩。 小微企业集聚起步区选定在集镇北侧。 目前,国家发改委的项目登记和用地指标土地增减实施情况土地勘察工作正在进行中。 30亩土地四项确认及户主调查工作。 ** 农民工返乡创业园区,新建钢混结构厂房1600平方米,主要资金来源为扶贫资金75万元、综改资金50万元、扶贫资金115万元。省就业创业项目资金。 750平方米钢结构厂房正在设计、招标,预计6月底竣工。 上村工业园区投资21万元,完成部分道路硬化和绿化,园区环境得到改善。 同时,积极跟进**食品加工项目谈判。
五是自力更生解决工业用地瓶颈。 围绕全镇产业发展用地规划,积极开展7个村土地增减流项目区研究,立足全县整体情况,大力实施增减流项目,为项目的实施奠定了良好的开发用地基础。 目前,增减土地项目面积勘察工作已完成,并确定了先期实施用地32亩。 将与各村签订协议并尽快实施。
一是对外宣传力度不够。 由于该乡财力有限,招商引资宣传不够。 他们只利用自己的网站和招商手册进行对外宣传,信息来源狭窄。
一是加强宣传,营造全民招商氛围。 加大全镇招商引资宣传力度,让全镇群众理解、关心、支持、参与招商引资。 全镇统一思想,一心一意谋发展,人人为招商引资做贡献,形成了全民招商引资的氛围。 重点宣传贯彻《**县支持产业发展的若干政策》《关爱企业家十项措施》等支持实体经济的各项政策措施,鼓励企业扩大生产、做大规模。
如今,很多企业在选择投资策略和模式时,盲目照搬别人所谓的成功经验。 一些专业交易员还坚持过去的成功经验。 Investment strategies often appear to be incompatible with local conditions, resulting in a very low investment success rate.
In 2003, the author conducted the entire nationwide investment promotion for a project. The resources provided by the company were quite limited, but we exceeded the expected goal of 10 million yuan and created a performance of nearly 20 million yuan. Later, a Korean company came to the company with a similar product and asked me to use the same method to produce it for them. I also got 20 million back, and the terms were quite generous. The author still rejected the boss's kind invitation. We believe that there is no fixed method or fixed model for investment promotion. The same model, a set of operating modes, will produce completely different results just because of the boss's different personality. Only the suitable one is the best. **的。
Before a company recruits investment, it is very important to take stock of the company's resources. As the saying goes, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be invincible in every battle. Only by making an objective judgment of one's own strength can one assess the situation and choose an appropriate investment strategy. Based on the resources owned by the company, the author classifies the selection of investment strategies into six categories for reference.
The first type is based on a strong background.
Products or companies have strong background support. For example, when Procter & Gamble's CCM calcium began to attract investment across the country, Procter & Gamble raised its arms and many applicants gathered. With the strong brand image established by P&G's daily chemical products in China, dealers have no doubts about the "shuffle" and "subversion" of P&G's CCM calcium output in advertising. The strategies generally adopted by such enterprises or products are all luxury-big concepts, big-money, investment advertisements are often full-page or even cross-page, and investment conferences are titled "forum" and other words. Commonly used strategies include:
1. Bidding strategy:
The manufacturer transfers the regional distribution rights of its products to a dealer through bidding. In order to obtain the exclusive regional distribution rights of the product, the dealer must pay a certain amount of purchase fee to the manufacturer. Some products also use bidding, but the bidding target is not the distribution rights, but the regional sales quota or the first batch of purchases. For example, Qumei, as China's first weight-loss drug, uses an auction based on deposits and sales returns. Qumei's bidding starts from 500,000 yuan and reaches a ceiling of 2 million yuan. After three days of auction, all 39 regional auction rights designated by Taiji Group across the country were sold. Among the 39 bids, the winner of 10 bids was determined by drawing lots. After the exclusive distribution rights of Qumei were awarded to various companies, the winning dealers paid a total of more than 38 million yuan in deposits, ensuring total sales of more than 200 million yuan, making Qumei profitable even before it was listed on the market.
2. Follow the trend strategy:
Relying on the strong potential of the original brand in the market, it can easily win the trust of dealers. This kind of investment promotion based on the potential of corporate brands is mainly divided into two categories: the first type is cross-industry trend. For example, P&G's CCM calcium easily obtained 30 million investment results based on this strategy. P&G's potential comes from daily chemicals. Products, there is also the investment case of Haier Pharmaceutical this year. Haier Pharmaceutical is successful because of the rich brand assets accumulated by Haier Electric in the Chinese market, and its appeal in investment promotion is certainly better than others; the second type of industry is similar or the same, such as After Neptune launched Ginkgo Biloba and Yindefei, Neptune Gold Bottle was launched, which achieved great success in attracting investment.
Because this type of enterprise is strong, it seems to be able to choose investment strategies with ease. It can also adopt large-scale advertising bombing strategies, high-standard public relations strategies, and even national promotional campaign strategies to attract dealers in a short period of time. Rushing towards it.
The second type is product-oriented.
This kind of enterprise generally has no advantages in capital, channels and background, but it has an outstanding product or concept; or there is no special feature in the product, but only the product has something to write about. The following strategies are generally adopted in investment promotion planning:
1. Differentiation strategy
Differentiate yourself from competitors and propose sharper product core selling points. Tingmei Underwear is a model. While most underwear are still talking about how to keep warm, Tingmei Underwear appeals to "beautify the body and shape, change as soon as you wear it", creating a new market space for thermal underwear and being unique; most thermal underwear is deeply trapped in In the quagmire of competition with various "stuck" concepts, the thermal underwear industry has made new breakthroughs. "Dingguasha" has launched colored cotton underwear, emphasizing that it is non-staining, safer and refreshing.
Using differentiation strategies to create unique and novel core selling points of products will undoubtedly attract the attention of more dealers and is a powerful fulcrum for attracting investment.
2. Mechanism innovation strategy
This kind of product generally has many similar products, and the competition in the market is fierce. It is difficult to find a new direction after refining the selling points. It is necessary to make a breakthrough in the mechanism of the product, which is generally used in the pharmaceutical and health care products and cosmetics industries. For example, the main ingredient of Happylady is ordinary aloe vera. There is almost no room for improvement in the concept of this product. In the planning, we look for breakthroughs in the mechanism of beauty and beauty - based on the medical theory that won the Nobel Prize. The "ion channel" theory was refined, and the product became popular in the entire Shanghai market. When the author was making product planning for a "Sanqi Capsule", he jumped out of the old frame that people were accustomed to positioning Sanqi as a selling point for hemostasis, and targeted the selling point of "Sanqi Capsule" at the newly emerging market for brain diseases, proposing that the market for brain diseases The method of treatment lies in the core mechanism of "three parts to cure and seven parts to nourish". Using the coincidence of numbers, the "Panax notoginseng capsule" is cleverly hidden behind the mechanism, creating a new selling point of Panax notoginseng and at the same time comprehensively enhancing the value of Panax notoginseng. 感觉。
3. Effective experience strategy
The products owned by this kind of enterprises are very effective, and they can be perceived in a short period of time, so they can often adopt the effect experience strategy. Whether a product is good or not is not up to the manufacturer, "it is a mule or a horse that leads it around." Dealers can go to the investment fair to experience the effect of the product, or the manufacturer can mail samples to dealers for trial use, so that dealers can make their own products with confidence. This strategy is generally used in medical devices, cosmetics, or medical and health products with rapid effects (such as tonifying kidney and strengthening yang, laxative, refreshing products).
The third is the market team-oriented.
This kind of enterprise itself has rich experience in market operations and has full confidence in its products and market operations. This kind of enterprise will choose a model market strategy when recruiting investment.
Hearing is believing, seeing is believing, and the salesman who has seen too many beautiful lies becomes very practical. Therefore, enterprises with market operation strength will often make a few model markets in a down-to-earth manner, and conquer dealers through the power of example. The power of role models is infinite, and it gives our dealer friends the firmest confidence. A very important reason for this is that through the model market, not only can people see the results, but my things can be sold, and they sell very well. The experience of the model market can be copied. After this set of methods is summarized and tested, it can be successfully applied to other markets, which solves the dealers' worries. After the dealer has a model as support, he can rest assured to sign the contract with you.
The fourth type is profit-oriented enterprises
During investment promotion, we found that many companies blindly pursue the scale of corporate investment repayments, and often receive large repayments. However, after excluding rent, personnel wages, production costs, etc., they find that they earn very little or even lose money. Therefore, many shrewd small and medium-sized enterprises do not blindly pursue the scale of remittances in investment promotion, but take a fancy to the profit of each investment rebate. This kind of product often adopts a skimming pricing strategy in investment promotion, that is, adopts a high price strategy. For example, "Green Gold Capsule" adopts such a strategy. Because the product has the effect of "auxiliary tumor suppression", in the investment planning, the product market segment is locked in the tumor market, and the investment strategy of skimming pricing is adopted to strictly control investment. As a result, although the scale of investment is not large, the profit is very considerable. The profit of every 1 million rebates is equivalent to the repayment profit of 3 million for general products.
The fifth type is public relations ability-oriented
The CEO or senior management of this kind of enterprise is good at public relations, or has strong social relationship resources. The leadership of the enterprise is always good at dancing, and can often turn corruption into magic, and can build a good platform for the enterprise to attract investment. Public relations and momentum building strategies are often used in investment promotion. 。 Many corporate CEOs are masters of resource integration. Some use overseas relationships to package their companies as foreign-funded enterprises stationed in China; some take the upper-level route and establish public relations authorities to seek more social resources for product investment; some integrate media Resources, publish soft articles in authoritative media to guide the market and establish corporate image, paving the way for investment promotion; some plan an event or seize a hot topic, create news, and gain widespread social attention.
When P&G CCM Calcium landed in China for investment, the entry of the daily chemical giant into the pharmaceutical and health care products market was a hot topic in itself. The financial media paid attention to P&G's China investment strategy, and the professional media paid attention to the changes in the market structure; CCM Calcium was not satisfied with this. In 2002, it also Products were donated to Project Hope and a donation ceremony was held at the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Auditorium. Zhao Yong, Secretary of the Secretariat of the Communist Youth League Central Committee, the head of the China Youth Development Foundation, heads of relevant departments of Procter & Gamble in the United States, and their production and operators in China attended the donation ceremony .
Comparatively speaking, disadvantaged companies need better public relations planning. Aido's donation of the Bamiyan Buddhas to Afghanistan has made a comeback, and Ma Jiajun's “Life Nuclear Energy” event, which was unknown at the time, is now famous all over the world. These are all examples for small and medium-sized enterprises to learn from. 模型。
The sixth type is low discount rate oriented
This kind of enterprise generally has multiple products. The enterprise has no advantages. The only thing that attracts dealers is the ultra-low discount rate. It is often a product with a retail price of 100 yuan, and the dealer only needs to spend 10 yuan or even lower to buy it. Get the right.Such enterprises occupy a large proportion in the investment promotion industry, and they often adopt two typical investment promotion strategies
1. Long-term small advertising strategy:
This kind of product has shown its face in professional investment media for a long time, and has maintained small-format investment promotion advertisements for a long time, and the investment promotion advertisements are plain and unpretentious.
2. Frequent participation in exhibition strategies;
Part 8: Model Essay on Enterprise Investment Promotion Plan
Practical Lectures on Investment Promotion (Abstract)
The strategy of revitalizing the old industrial base in Northeast China is conducive to attracting investment.
Change concepts and actively create conditions for attracting investment.
Investment promotion planning:
Investment promotion is a comprehensive and systematic work involving a wide range of areas and strong professionalism, which requires continuous innovation and development.
Firmly establish the concept of "pro-business, wealthy businessmen, safe businessmen, and supportive businessmen".
The work of attracting investment has a social aspect and must face all fields of the society as a whole.
Possess a wide range of knowledge, and must have a deep understanding of policies and laws, project background, regional positioning, and industry direction.
Possess certain social skills, the ability to control language and writing, and the ability to judge thinking, so as to grasp the focus and use it flexibly.
Reasons for poor effectiveness of investment promotion activities:
*Only focus on form, not actual results;
*Complete the task, regardless of quality;
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